Community Education 

HISTORY MATTERS: The Black Wall Street Massacre


For further information or to book the lecture, call 845-718-0106 or email


In 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Greenwood District, known as “Black Wall Street,” was one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

The Black Wall Street Massacre, which began on May 31, 1921, was one of the worst race riots in the history of the United States, which destroyed more than 35 square blocks by a wave of racial terrorism that left hundreds of Black residents dead. More than 1,000 houses burned or otherwise destroyed.

This presentation tells the story of a tragedy and the incredible resiliency of a community rising from its ashes. It is an American story unknown to many.

Comments On The History Matters Program

  • "Last night you captured the attention of our attendees with your History Matters: Tulsa 1921 presentation. You examined the historical context of this atrocity while paying respect to the destroyed lives, businesses, and homes. The way you wove the issues together and provided a glimpse into the lives of several Greenwood residents was truly amazing."

    Brenda Goldfarb, Cornwall Public Library

  • "The presentation was compelling and incredibly informative, and the casual conversation and Q&A over dinner was a wonderfully organic community event. I was happy to see such an engaged audience, it really brought the presentation to life in the context of today."

    Lisa Silverstone, Executive Director | Safe Harbors of The Hudson

  • "We were delighted to host Earl Miller for the "History Matters: Tulsa 1921 Black Wall Street" program! The community members were incredibly appreciative of the presentation, and we were thrilled to be able to share such an impactful discussion with our patrons. Planning the event was a wonderful experience, and we look forward to collaborating again soon on future lectures."

    Maria Vanessa Cipolla, Finkelstein Memorial Library